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MAking life beautiful BLOG.

May 17, 2020

Making Life Beautiful with moments of inspiration

banner image of erica steeves for why you should use stock photography

Reasons creatives need to use stock photography Most creatives are cost-aware and also desire to have upgraded photography for their brands. I recommend using a balance of stock photography and branded photos. You get a specific aesthetic with your branded photos and then allow your branded and promotional images a chance to breathe and be […]

August 31, 2019

Making Life Beautiful with moments of inspiration

clean white office style stock by ecees has a bouquet of flowers tea a notebook and cell phone

Whitespace is the most productive time of your week and you didn’t even know it. Last night while I was planning out the rest of my week, I planned whitespace in my schedule.  Making sure I have time in my schedule where my brain can catch up and I can decompress. This helps to avoid […]

February 11, 2019

Making Life Beautiful with moments of inspiration

magnificent magnet diy blog post how to make gifts that are unique

Turn any picture into a magnet to make memories last longer. This is a simple DIY that is quick thoughtful gift, fun for the whole family.

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