July 20, 2019

Clarity of what I want planning my future Cuba Diaries

Banner for blog post Cuba diaries part 3 of 3 about finding clarity for your future

Clarity of what I want to be allowed me to be a dreamer. To really clarify what it is I wanted to chase I took time to think of the big picture. When I discovered what my why is, I realized that I want to design a better future for myself. I want to be able to live anywhere, I want to make an impact. Rounding out the Cuba Diaries today with understanding where I am going with a freebie for a clarity tool that I used to make a roadmap for myself which you can get here. (If you missed Part one go click here, and for part 2 click here)

What is your blueprint?

Cuban articture with decorative detail shot while mapping out my future by erica steevessSimilar to buildings when you want certain things in your life there is a blueprint that is inside of you that you are striving to fill. In listening and reading to different people, I understand now that your spirit or soul knows what it wants. Ultimately this is what we see when you look in the mirror. You say I thought I would be further along in life or have something different for myself. 

For many of us what we believe is attainable and something that makes us work harder. Some of those may seem out of our reach. Once we identify them we can course correct to steer us in the right direction. 

Not being able to change your blueprint

There are some things that we will never be able to change. We need help ourselves by making our own mindset shifts, digging deep to the root of that desire. By refocusing that energy into something that is achievable or it could lead to a lifetime of unhappiness.

Where is one area of your life that you would like to improve? How do we dig deeper to peel back why you feel that way? These are questions I have been constantly asking myself and welcome you to ask yourself too. This clarity of what I want to be allowed me to be a dreamer and has given me newfound energy to get my life back on track. I know there is more in this world and am passionately working on figuring out how to get to the next level or to tap into what has been missing. 

Spinning stories from the past

vintage cuban cars blue and pink taken on trip while finding clarity shot by erica steevesIn pulling out different stories, ideas and dreams I revisited a story from my past.  

When I was in high school, I had started a small business making and selling purses in grade 12. I continued that passion for the next 5 years. When I moved to LA I packed up that dream and moved to the next one. Now all these years later, I realize that was when I slowly started losing my purpose. Over the years it all started stacking and stacking to where I am now. The last time I truly felt connected to the world and my heart was back then. My journey is bringing me back to finding that connection again. 

I determined while I was in Cuba that I need to get back to my entrepreneurship roots and be the driver of my own life. I had been riding shotgun for too long taking other people’s lead that ultimately were sacrificing my own blueprint and what I want in life. 

Where I am going

I remembered that beauty is all around us and it is up to us to perceive and add more beauty to your own life. Whether that is changing your mindset or thoughts to be more loving and abundant or actively leaving the places you touch by making them more beautiful than the way you found it. In discovering my why and how I want to show up in the world I come back to this mission! To create beauty in the world from the inside out! I want to make it my life mission to live and share with others how they can do the same for themselves as well! 

What are you doing today that is adding to your mental health or your environment? Some of the things I love doing for myself is I love buying flowers for myself. I also love listening to a killer podcast that asks big questions and challenges me to dig deeper! Even just today I set some time to give my home a little TLC and I feel so much pride for my little space. 

The simple act of creating just for fun is something I need to incorporate more into my life! Being creative for work can sometimes take up all of my creative mojos. I need to find ways to fill my cup back up are essential for me to feel whole. Part of this is taking the time to find clarity of what I want to be and allowing myself to be a dreamer. What ways do you recharge or fill your cup back up when it is starting to feel empty??

Get your free clarity tool here 

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